About The Axis

The Axis is a creative agency specializing in storytelling through unique, high-quality podcasts to build and grow highly engaged audiences for thought leaders, medical practices, and industry professionals within aesthetic medicine. We leverage two decades of experience in aesthetic practice marketing to connect patients with doctors by making podcasting easy.

Podcasting is uniquely able to drive meaningful connections to grow your owned audience through storytelling. Your authentic voice is your most powerful marketing asset, and we’re honored to bring it to the rest of the world.

Meet the Team

Eva Sheie
Founder & Chief Story Wrangler

Eva Sheie is a startup veteran, content strategist, podcast producer, and professional musician.

She is the founder of The Axis, a podcast production agency devoted to meeting the needs of women confronting life-changing medical decisions.

With background as a public radio producer and classically trained musician, and two decades of healthcare marketing experience devoted to helping people find, evaluate, and choose good doctors, Eva’s clients find her approach to marketing through podcasting a much needed counterbalance to the relentless demands of social media.

Previously as the Director of Practice Development at RealSelf, she built and scaled the RealSelf University customer education program, and hosted the RealSelf University Podcast.

Today she is the co-host of Less of You, Breast Cancer Stories, Before and After Stories, and the executive producer of numerous titles on behalf of clients.

  • Recipient, Luminary Indeed SMB Fellowship, 2022

  • Presenter, The Rise of Social Audio, ASPS Spring Meeting 2022

  • Panelist, The Power of Professional Niche Podcasting, Podcast Movement Evolutions 2022

  • Mary Ellen Clarkson

    Story Editor

  • Hannah Burkhart

    Senior Copywriter
    Social Media Manager
    Assistant Producer

  • Daniel Croeser

    Audio Engineer

  • Aron Devereaux

    Audio Engineer & Video Editor

  • Laura Gilsdorf

    Head of Operations

  • Debra Gravelle

    Associate Producer

  • Spencer Clarkson

    Video Editor

Listen to an interview with Max Baybak, Chief Strategy Officer at Influx Marketing about why podcasting is the next big competitive advantage.